Wednesday, January 20, 2016

It’s Not the Apocalypse, People… Or Is It?

I had plans after work tonight that I’ve been looking forward to for a few weeks… I was just getting together with a few Nats fans to enjoy life, talk baseball, and have an adult beverage or two.  This morning, I saw that some snow was expected in the area this evening, but from what I read, I really just thought it would be a few flurries and that would be it.

After work, I headed in the direction of my get together, and stopped at Target and Petsmart on the way to grab a few things for the snow this weekend.  I’m horrible, and I generally don’t have food in the house, so when I see that I’ll be trapped and I won’t be able to order anything, I have to go shopping for just a few essentials.

I picked up another box of Sudafed (and got myself one step closer to being on a DEA watch list), then thought peanut butter sandwiches would be a simple quick thing I could throw together this weekend.  I turned down the bread aisle, and BAM: 

Apparently the apocalypse is coming, and I missed the memo.  Really, people??  REALLY?!  Yes, a lot of snow is coming, but we’re all likely to just be trapped in our homes for the weekend.  Snow is supposed to stop Saturday night/Sunday morning, leaving all day Sunday to clean up.  Unless you live in the middle of nowhere (in which case, you’re not shopping at this Target), you should be able to move about on Monday.  There is NO REASON all the bread should be gone.  We’re not having to bunker in some kind of make shift nuclear fallout shelters.  It’s two days.  Come on.

I did manage to find some good bread (it was on sale through cartwheel, too!), and got the rest of my items without any problems.  Then I ran next door and picked up some dog food and a rawhide for Coop for the weekend, and I headed out to my get together.

I noticed after wresting almost 40 lbs of dog food into my car that it had started snowing.  I didn’t think much of it, since I thought it was just going to blow through.  But after about 15 minutes, I saw that it was starting to pile up on the road in between the lanes.  Hmmm.  That seemed… alarmingly fast.  I looked up Capital Weather Gang, who are the only people I read when it comes to snow, and I learned that I was completely wrong about this evening’s “flurries.”  A winter weather advisory was in effect, and shit was potentially going to get real.  Um.  Crap.

I was literally in no man’s land in terms of trying to get home.  I notified my group that I wasn’t going to be able to make it, and headed towards the interstate.  FOUR HOURS LATER, I finally made it home.  I slid all over the road on numerous occasions, almost cried at least three different times, and pretty much thought I was going to die.  Apparently, the apocalypse is happening, and it showed up 2 days early.  Admittedly, I don’t handle snow well, and I definitely don’t drive in it, so this was a horrific experience from start to finish.  The worst part?  I didn’t actually make it all the way home.  Once I got off the interstate near my house, I really started sliding around, and I got too scared to drive anymore.  I ended up having to call my ex-boyfriend’s boss/good friend and asked him to come rescue me.

My ex-boyfriend’s boss/good friend.


He’s super nice and lives close to me, so he came and picked me up and took me home.  He’s very sweetly also taking me back to my car in the morning, too.  So, thank God for ex-boyfriend’s bosses/good friends…. However weird it is when you have to call them asking for help.  They’re certainly preferable to calling your ex-boyfriend, which would only be slightly less horrible than dying in a snow related crash.

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