Tuesday, July 21, 2015

So... Spiders Kinda Scare Me, Yall

Last night following the baseball game, I stopped in the bathroom before heading out of the park like I usually do.  The following would only happen to me...

I shuffled into the next available stall, dreading having to peel my jeans off thanks to the excessive heat of the entire evening.  I shut and locked the door, hung up my bag, and set my phone and souvenir cup down.  Just before turning around to peel of my icky jeans, something caught my eye, and I stopped.  Dangling from the bottom of the sanitary seat cover container on the back wall was a spider.  Oh.Em.Gee.

I stood there stunned for a few seconds and attempted to rationalize this situation.  It's hot, and I'd really like to pee and head out so I can get to some air conditioning.  There's a line of people waiting for the bathroom, and I don't want to walk out of this stall to then cut in front of the next person in line to take a different one while admitting to the entire bathroom that I'm this level of crazy.  It's ok.  It's a spider that's way on the back wall.  It won't bother me.  I'm just going to turn around and quickly go to the bathroom and get out of here.  Yes, that's exactly what I'm going to do.  I'm going to turn around.... right now.  Turn around.  Ok, on three, I'm going to turn around and just get this over with.  One.  Two.  Two and a half... thre---

OMG I CAN'T TURN AROUND.  I can't turn my back on this spider.  As soon as I do, IT WILL JUMP ON ME AND KILL ME, and I'll be TRAPPED in this little stall PANTSLESS.  And I'll die.  Pantsless at the ballpark.  THAT CAN'T BE MY LAST MOMENT.


So I left the stall and ran into a new one that was much safer and spider free (I checked.  A LOT.)  Obvi.  Because had I stayed in the original stall, that spider would have jumped on me and killed me as soon as I turned my back on it.

Friday, July 17, 2015

New Era

I've worked at my job for over 6 and a half years.  Most of my coworkers have been there for well over a decade.  Our office as been at its current location for over 20 yrs.

Until today.

Yesterday, we finished packing up the entire building and said goodbye to our little corner of the world.  We've been in a little stand alone building, separate from all other services, for the entire life of my program.  We have lots of flowers and flowering trees (many of the plants are memorials for people who have come and gone in the time we've been around), get visits from all the neighborhood dogs that need some grass in order to pee, have fun wildlife (for a more urban area) like bunnies and tons of birds (including hawks!), we're in a great location near the metro and restaurants and bars, and, most importantly, we're next door to firemen.  who like to exercise outdoors when it's nice.

Today, I was a squatter at a random desk while a few coworkers assisted with the actual move.  Everyone else was smarter than I am, and took the day off.  We've moved into 4 floor building, and are now just part of one of those floors rather than being our own space.  It's... a weird feeling.  There are lots of positives, as we've long outgrown the space we had at our old building, and everything inside of it was old.  We have all new things, more space, and, while we all liked being separate, there is a lot of convenience with being so close to other services.

Monday and Tuesday are going to be extremely hectic, as we have to unpack and organize an entire program, so we can be ready to reopen on Wednesday.  Should be an experience.  Hopefully we'll all settle in soon and find more positives than negatives about our move.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

How does this kind of stuff always happen to me?

My morning...

-Coop, my awesomely insane, completely neurotic dog, scratched the shit out of my leg while jumping on it rather than over it to jump off the bed.  bleeding ensued.
-While outside walking my awesomely insane, completely neurotic dog, I saw two unattended dogs at the end of the street.  I always feel compelled to help, bc that's what a decent human would do, and I would want someone to do the same for me if Cooper ever got loose.  The bigger of the two dogs ran past us up the street, but the little accessory-sized dog who was approx. 87 yrs old came over to say hello.  I somehow managed to corral him, which was quite the feat bc he was super wet, so I couldn't pick him up.  Trying to hang on to an accessory dog's collar while simultaneously walk my dog is no easy task.  This little thing surely did stick his head right in Coop's crotch when he finally tried to pee.  I got a leash on this little guy and crated mine so I could walk Chewy home.  This, of course, made Coop think I was abandoning him for the new dog, and he cried this horrible noise while I was leaving (seriously... it sounds like he's being skinned alive).  I could hear him two houses down.  While walking Chewy home, he began humping my leg, and WOULDNT STOP.  The entire walk to his place, this little shit wouldn't let go of my leg.  For such a small, old thing, his front legs are super strong.  I finally got him home and turned him over to a less than grateful girl.  You're welcome.
-This act of kindness made me late for work.
-As soon as I turned my computer on at the office, I had to call IT.  Yesterday started with two back to back IT calls, and today's issue was a repeat of issue #1 yesterday (this same thing also happened last week).  Finally, it got fixed.... at least for now.  We'll see tomorrow.
-Shortly after I finally got settled, I heard a weird noise from around the cube wall, and a coworker was wandering around yelling about needing a box.  I walked over, and a client was holding a very upset, very ugly (so ugly he was adorable) baby bird.  So, I grabbed a box and took him outside and contacted animal control.  I couldn't find a nest he had fallen out of, so I put him on the ground by some bushes near trees and hoped his parents could find him while I waited for animal control to call me back (they, of course, were closed).  This little shit ran into the street.  I rescued him and put him back, and he did it again.  AND AGAIN.  I finally got animal control on the phone, and they told me a bird of his age often falls out of his nest, and he would be fine and his parents would continue to parent him.  I mentioned that he kept running into the street, and I was told "imagine all your teenage years shoved into 3 days... smart decisions don't often happen."  I spent much of the morning watching Abner (yes, I named him.. after all that I was kind of attached) out the window, and would swear every time he ran into the street.  A coworker rescued him several times as well.

All this before 8:30 am.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Postsecret Monday

Part of my Mondays involve reading Postsecret.  I love it.  Some of them are happy, some are super sad, and some resonate with me pretty strongly.  It's a nice reminder that we're never alone.

Anyhoo... here are the two that stuck out to me this week:

From the old secrets:

And from the new secrets... to whoever this person is, I hope things are going better:

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Baseball as the Away Fan - Nats vs Os

I got to be the away fan at a baseball game yesterday while supporting my team.  I LOVE being the away fan, although it always makes me miss and appreciate my home stadium.

The gay boyfriend and I made the trip to Baltimore with his dad and two friends of ours.  We had designs on tailgating with some other away fans before the game, but alas, someone before us was kicked out of the parking lot and alerted everyone that the no fun police were on patrol.  We ended up doing a little tailgating on the DL in the car after parking.  Drinking happened.  Good times were had.

We made it into Camden and found our way to the seats.... naturally, those seats were on the opposite side of the Yard from where we parked.  Most people would have found this awesome, as it gave us a chance to walk around the park.  While I find Camden to be visually appealing, I don't find it to be the amazing ballpark that the rest of the world does.  I know I'm completely in the minority on this, but... it is what it is.  It's good, but not great to me.


We found our seats and settled in with a huge group of away fans.  Safety in numbers, right?  I'm pretty loud (what? my voice carries well.....) and I'm sure I was heard by many.  For the most part, we had a good time.

Except for a few bad seeds on the other side of the aisle from us.  They were drinking fairly heavily throughout the game, and were paying little attention.  I, on the other hand, was busy keeping score.  I couldn't find a place in the Yard that flashed the scoring, so I had to pay extra close attention to make sure I didn't miss anything (otherwise, my ODC would kick in and I can't function with an empty box and an unknown out....).  One of the guys in this group arbitrarily stood up at his seat and just.... stood there during an at bat.  I yelled to get his attention and nicely asked him to sit down.  Once he realized I was talking to him, he explained that he had been trying to get something out of his pocket. I explained that he was blocking our view of the plate and asked if he could please sit.  Everything seemed kosher with The Stander after our exchange, but for whatever reason, some friend of his in the row behind him took EXTREME offense to my request, and spent the rest of the game trying to start something with me.  I could see him constantly look over at me, and at one point was even making faces at me.  Seriously?  This guy was middle aged, and was possibly at the game with his kid.  (I choose to believe the child next to him was not his, but perhaps a nephew... I can't believe that someone would procreate with this man.  I just can't.)  After the game (and a victory!), another guy from this group felt the need to flip me off.  Twice.  You stay classy, Baltimore.  Charm City, indeed.

I have no problem with being targeted by the home team fans.  I'm loud, and I expect it.  During the bottom of the 9th when our closer let two people on base (ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!), some fans behind me were clearly directing their cheering in my direction.  This? is fine.  And expected.  It took all my self control not to turn around and look at them while they were doing it.  Haha.

I'm extremely hesitant to state that all fans in Baltimore are terrible.  I've only been to 2 games recently (this one, and one last year), and this was my only bad experience, which, admittedly, was pretty tame compared to things I've experienced in other sports venues.  Hopefully next year will be a totally positive experience, and the issues this year were caused by alcohol.

Side note?  My boys won that series 2-1, and we did it with half of our starters on the DL.  When they come to our house in Sept, hopefully we'll have our complete team and can get a sweep.  WINNING.

The best part of the game (besides the victory) was this super cute 104 yr old lady threw out the first pitch.  She was beyond adorable, and is apparently a huge Os fan.  While I question her team choice, I definitely don't question her loyalty.  She got quite the warm reception from everyone at the Yard, Nats fans included.  I hope to be her one day at Nats Park.  That would be epic.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Because Sometimes You Need Help Just Not Giving a Fuck

I've been outdone at work today from about 5 minutes after I walked in the door.  I'm clearly irritable (I didn't get much sleep last night), and I realize this is not the fault of anyone around me, so I'm trying my hardest to not stand up at my desk and just scream STFU.  The struggle is real.

I saw this for about the millionth time on my fb feed, and finally clicked on it.  Pretty much amazing.  Too bad it was too loud around my desk for me to really hear it, but at least I know it's out there, and I can try to start my mornings off at home with this little meditation.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Has Dating Really Come To This?

Dating.  What can you say, other than it sucks.  Seriously.  People get married so they can stop dating.  Truth.

I got a friend request yesterday from someone in a baseball fb group I’m in.  I didn’t think much of it, because that happens from time to time, and I usually enjoy talking to these new friends.  This time….. I’m not so sure.

I shared a memory in that group Tuesday morning, as it was apparently the 1 yr anniversary of a terrible date that happened to come with AMAZING seats at a baseball game (more on this later).  We had recently talked about a baseball-focused singles/dating app, which I mentioned in my post… saying something like someone needed to make that so I don’t have any repeats of this date.

New “friend”:  Hey Erika!  I’m a relationship coach and looking for new clients for testimonials.  Are you interested???

Me:  um.  What’s a relationship coach? [editor’s note:  don’t ask this question.]

NF:  if you think about a physical trainer, it works much the same way.  You get a better workout with a trainer and better results.  With a relationship coach, specifically how I have been trained, we focus on using your feminine and masculine energy to build better relationships and draw a man closer.

Me:  yeahhhh I’m not entirely sure what all that means.

NF:  a coach helps you have a better relationship with a man or anyone.  Especially helpful if you are dating around.  Do you feel like you’re creating the relationships you want with a man?

Well, I’m single, so no.


Seriously?  This is a thing?  Dating in today’s world is so unbelievably awful, people need “dating coaches”?!  And these people are trained?!  I have so many questions, but I’m not sure I want any of the answers.  If this is really what the dating world has come to, I might just have to tap out.

I Just Can't Sometimes

We're gearing up to move to a new location at work... this has been a long time coming, and is a huge change, as we've been in our current location for over 20 years.

A client's support worker called me to update her contact information for me and our program, as we're scheduled to move next week.  This is my actual conversation with her.

Person: I wanted to touch base regarding your move so I can update our contact information for you with your address and phone number.

Me: ok. all of our phone numbers are staying the same.

Person: ok. great. .....is your address changing?

Me: ..... um. yes. we will have a new address after our move to a new location.

Wow.  Just... wow.

Today Is Not My Day

Today has not started out well for me.

At all.

First, there was nothing good for breakfast when I stopped for coffee.  It's like there was a run on everything other than glazed donuts.

Then, I couldn't find my office keys.  I eventually did, but there was a good 20 minutes in there where I had no idea where they were, and my boss was slightly panicked at the idea of them being missing.

THEN, I turned on my computer, and somehow my huge brand new monitor had changed its settings all by itself overnight, and it was now on super huge ginormo mode, like I was blind, and I wanted to be able to read it from across a room.  That generated a call to the IT people.

While I was on the phone with them, I spilled coffee on my white tshirt.

And, throughout all of this, a client has repeatedly come up to me and asked me the same question about 1,000 times.

And all this happened before 8:15.

It's gonna be a good day.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

OH! THAT'S why they sometimes throw over to 1st.

So.  It happened again last night.  I was at a baseball game, keeping score (in a large book.  that I purchased.  with multiple pens in all different colors (what? I'm piloting a multi-color system).  without the help of anyone around me), and lamenting my team's poor play.  I can be... loud, as my voice carries well, so when I'm yelling at players/umps from up in the cheap seats, I like to pretend that they can hear me.  While I'm sure my all-star pitcher didn't hear me yelling that he should not throw to 1st and should instead focus on the guy in the box, as he had been having difficulty with batters (especially this batter) all night, the guy two seats over felt the need to school me on baseball.  Really?  He leaned over my friend and told me that he threw over to 1st because it was important to keep that runner in check, as he has a lot of speed, and it would be super good if we could pick him off.  Wow.  I had no idea.  I'm just sitting here with 6 different color pens keeping score, but I had no idea why my pitcher would throw to 1st.  (side note, he sort of lobbed the ball to 1st, so it wasn't really a pick off move.  yes, I know there are reasons other than attempting to catch someone stealing that you could have when you throw over to 1st.)  This same fella did not appreciate me chiming in to his conversation later in the evening with a little baseball knowledge drop.  Guess that only works in one direction with him.

This same thing happened earlier this year.  I was at a game vs an AL team, and was questioning why the hell they had their relief pitcher batting.  NL relief pitchers rarely bat, so why the hell would an AL one?  We were all laughing at his 0.000 avg, wondering when was the last time he had actually picked up a bat.  From 2 rows back, I hear someone start explaining to me that his 0.000 avg simply meant he hadn't had an at-bat all season (actually, AL fan stranger, it simply means he hasn't had a hit.  I point to Jon Lester prior to this past weekend as my shining example here).  I told her I wasn't questioning his avg, but rather questioning why he would be batting at all.  She politely explained to me that he was batting so he could continue to pitch in the bottom of an inning.  Again, I was sitting there holding my big scorebook filled with pages and pages of scorekeeping and notes.  But thanks for explaining to me that in order to continue pitching, the pitcher must bat.  At least this would-be teacher was a lady.  I find it much less offensive.

Even earlier this year, my friend had a pair of opening day tickets he wasn't going to be able to use, so I found a fan in need and sold them for face value.  This guy was great.  Extremely talkative and personable.  My mom and I were both thrilled he was the one who ended up with the tickets, because we had a great time with him.  He did, however, keep looking over towards me and my scorekeeping, and was checking up on my skills, and seemed impressed that I was able to do it on my own.

Now, I'll be the first one to admit that there is a lot about baseball that I don't know, and there's a lot about scorekeeping that I don't know.  I just learned how to do this last July.  My gay boyfriend taught me as a way to have the convenience of the score in front of him without actually having to do any of the work.  While I caught on really quickly, some things took a while, like learning position numbers.  All last year, I had to count, starting with the pitcher, while pointing at all the players to get the position numbers I needed to write down.  The gay bf found this IMMENSELY embarrassing, and constantly asked me if I could please figure out how to count without pointing.  Nope.  Haha I did eventually learn the numbers, however, and now I can tell you that a 3rd to 1st throw for an out is 5-3.  Pitcher math still gets me sometimes when errors are involved, or when I forget to clearly mark when a new pitcher came in during an inning.  And I'm trying to find a way to clearly mark who is moving players over and who is driving them home so I can actually keep track of end of game stats, like RBIs (this, and the pitcher math, is why I keep piloting multi-color systems.... just haven't found the right one yet).

So, lesson to all sports fans out there.  Unless someone is asking wtf is going on, chiming in with a knowledge drop may not be the best idea.  It is possible that the person sitting near you knows what's going on.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Throwback: That Time I Learned Who The Best Defensive Infielder Is

In honor of the upcoming series against the Reds, let's throwback to one of my most favorite idiot fan moments.

The gay boyfriend and I were at a game vs the Reds last year.  Sitting behind us was a self-proclaimed diehard Reds fan, rocking his jersey at the game.  He was with two friends who were fans of neither team on the field, and only appeared to be casual fans of baseball in general.

Early in the game, after Mr. Reds had been going on and on about Votto, one of his friends pointed out that he didn't think Votto was playing, as his name wasn't listed on the scoreboard (where the lineups of both teams are listed throughout the entire game).  After a brief pause, Mr. Reds said "oh, he's just not one of the first 8 players."  Um.  You get 8 players, plus a pitcher (odd to divide them up that way here in the NL, but ooook).  After that, you're out of players.  I couldn't take it, and turned around to share that Votto was hurt and, while I wasn't sure if he was on the DL, he hadn't played in several games.  Mr. Reds didn't believe me (again, despite the fact that Votto wasn't listed on the scoreboard as someone in the lineup), and looked it up on his phone.  Several minutes later, he was very disappointed to learn that Votto had indeed been out for several games.

Later in the game, as Mr. Reds continued to babble on and on about Votto to his friends, he said one of the greatest things I think I've ever heard.  "Your best defensive infielder is at 1st."  Both the gay bf and I turned around (we just couldn't help ourselves) and questioned this statement.  To give Mr. Reds credit, he did passionately defend his position, albeit with zero facts.  We both tried to explain that all your 1st baseman does is catch, and they give him a really big glove to do it, and generally that's where your power hitters are because they're on the team for their offense, not defense, and that your short stop is generally your best defensive infielder, etc., but Mr. Reds could not be swayed.  We eventually gave up and let him continue living his his Votto dream house, but definitely still laugh about this today.

We're both pretty sure he also thinks the catcher is the fastest guy on the team.