Friday, July 17, 2015

New Era

I've worked at my job for over 6 and a half years.  Most of my coworkers have been there for well over a decade.  Our office as been at its current location for over 20 yrs.

Until today.

Yesterday, we finished packing up the entire building and said goodbye to our little corner of the world.  We've been in a little stand alone building, separate from all other services, for the entire life of my program.  We have lots of flowers and flowering trees (many of the plants are memorials for people who have come and gone in the time we've been around), get visits from all the neighborhood dogs that need some grass in order to pee, have fun wildlife (for a more urban area) like bunnies and tons of birds (including hawks!), we're in a great location near the metro and restaurants and bars, and, most importantly, we're next door to firemen.  who like to exercise outdoors when it's nice.

Today, I was a squatter at a random desk while a few coworkers assisted with the actual move.  Everyone else was smarter than I am, and took the day off.  We've moved into 4 floor building, and are now just part of one of those floors rather than being our own space.  It's... a weird feeling.  There are lots of positives, as we've long outgrown the space we had at our old building, and everything inside of it was old.  We have all new things, more space, and, while we all liked being separate, there is a lot of convenience with being so close to other services.

Monday and Tuesday are going to be extremely hectic, as we have to unpack and organize an entire program, so we can be ready to reopen on Wednesday.  Should be an experience.  Hopefully we'll all settle in soon and find more positives than negatives about our move.

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