Friday, January 8, 2016

There Seriously Must Be Crack in the Air at Target

I skipped off to Target after work to finally pick up my needed Sudafed (and likely get one step closer to getting on some kind of federal watch list).  This was a simple $4 purchase at the pharmacy and should have been an easy in and out at Target.

But it’s never an easy in and out at Target, is it?

Since shopping is my cardio (legit – my fitbit is always smiling at me when I’m shopping.  This smile is a rare occurrence), I wandered around Target from one side to the other, up and down almost every aisle because, well, it’s Target. I turned a corner and found myself face to face with this:

I was overcome with an immensely strong feeling of I MUST HAVE THIS.  I’m not entirely sure why, but, I mean, look at it.  It’s awesome.  The price, however, seemed slightly high for a porcelain rhino head, so, I very begrudgingly walked away.  It almost killed me, but I did it.

Then I walked past this gem:

If this was Mikey, he totally would have come home with me.  No joke.  Who doesn’t need a giant teenaged mutant ninja turtle?!

I managed to make it to the checkout with just one normal grown up item in my basket, and my already purchased Sudafed.  Borning.  Adulting – it’s seriously no fun.

The woman in front of me pulled four (FOUR!) 10ish lb spiral cut hams out of her cart and plops them on the checkout belt with a few other items.  She became extremely agitated when her hams were rung up:

Crazy Ham Lady:  Um.  No no.  Wait.  Those are supposed to be $6.99.  The entire bar all the way across where they were said $6.99.
[how the hell can a 10lb spiral cut ham only be $6.99?!]
Cashier:  Um. Ok. They’re ringing up for about $20 each. [flips call light on]
Manager:  What’s the problem?  These are $1.99/lb.
CHL:  These were advertised at $6.99.  I’m paying the advertised price.  The whole bar all the way across said they were $6.99.
Manager:  [holding back laughter] I can’t sell you these for $6.99.  He’s going to check on the sign.
CHL:  Oh yes you will sell them for the advertised price.  I’m paying the advertised price.
Manager:  These are $1.99/lb.  I’m going to go look at the sign. [starts walking away]
CHL:  well, I took a picture of it.  Don’t you think you can just go change it now.

They cleared out CHL’s stuff because she said she wasn’t going to buy anything if she wasn’t going to get the advertised price on her 40lbs of ham.  She stood to the side and waited, and I was able to check out.  Truth?  I was a little sad they bypassed her because I kind of wanted to see how this hot mess was going to end.

I bought my rational and sane purchase, and went out to my car.  After sitting for just a minute, curiosity got the best of me and I went back in and wandered over to the grocery section.

There were 3 different price tags on the ‘bar’ CHL spoke of where the ham was.  Only one of the tags was for $6.99, and it was very clearly labeled as the cost of the chicken breast.  WTF.

Since I was back in the store, I had to go look at the rhino head again.  I texted a few friends.  One asked me if it matched my motif at home.  Um.  Could this possibly match anyone’s motif?!  No, of course not.  But, that should have zero bearing on this discussion.  Another friend told me that she felt very strongly that I needed this rhino head in my life.

Now? The more I sit around and think about it, the more I want it.  I am kinda starting to feel like this rhino head is everything I never knew I needed in my life.  I’ve even asked the google what I should name my rhino.  Brutus came up, which is what had first popped into my head.  But then I found the suggestion Luther Francisco.  I kind of really love this.

I feel it’s probably a bad sign that I’m asking the google for name options for a porcelain rhino head…  and I’m wondering if there is a way I can get to this hang on my cube wall at work.

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