Thursday, January 21, 2016

UPDATE on It’s Not the Apocalypse, People… Or Is It?

Just as an update to last night's post...

Apparently, my traumatic experience was nothing compared to some other people's.  My boss didn't get home until 1 am.  My... whatever he is didn't get home until 3:45 am.  He spent EIGHT HOURS trying to get home.  OMG.  He said people had just abandoned cars all over the place.  That's INSANE.  Come on, people.  Gotta be smarter than that.

My ex-boyfriend's boss/good friend picked me up as scheduled this morning, and we were delighted to see my car was exactly where I'd left it in that parking lot.  (Ok, so I kind of abandoned my car, too... but I did it in a parking lot, not in the middle of the interstate.  TOTALLY different.)  It took me forever and a day to get in to work because traffic was inexplicably awful, but it was an uneventful drive.  YAY!  A little bit into this drive, I learned the county wasn't opening until noon.  I made it to work 2 hrs and 20 min early.  Whomp whomp.

Also?  The Salters were their typical selves sometime between when I got home last night and when I left my house this morning.  Their stairs, sidewalk, and all around their cars was bone dry, and there was salt everywhere.  It was so dramatically dry that my ex-boyfriend's boss/good friend totally noticed and commented.  I explained that was just how they rolled.  I was a little worried about them after the dusting we had last Saturday because I didn't see one spec of salt.  Good to see they're back to their old ways.

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