As I mentioned in yesterday's post, a stadium full of Nats fans believed I sniffed a jersey that I had won (I DIDN'T SNIFF IT!)
I went to the game today, and wouldn't ya know, SEVERAL people asked me about this incident, and every single one of them believed I sniffed the jersey. I DIDN'T! I DIDN'T SNIFF IT!
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Seriously... I Didn't Sniff It!
Related Awesomeness
I Swear I Didn't Sniff It,
This Could Only Happen To Me
Saturday, August 29, 2015
A Day Full of Ups and Downs
Yesterday can really only be described as a day that could only happen to me. I mean, REALLY.
First, I thought my ipod had been stolen by the place I got my car serviced. I TORE APART my car and couldn't find it. I ended up finding it doing another search that I thought was pointless after I got home, so... we'll skip this saga.
I got another invite from the Nats to watch batting practice from just behind the dugout. I got to do this earlier in the year, and for whatever reason, I thought it was pretty amazingly awesome. (This part of the stadium isn't open during BP, so I usually have to watch from the outfield. The dugout gives you a whole different perspective, and it's amazing. Because I'm a huge baseball nerd.) I met my friend Gus who was able to come as my guest, and we watched the Nats take bp from up close and personal. We learned that Matt Williams throws bp... we had no idea! Very cool.
After watching BP and then hanging out with Lulu, Gus, and my usher friend Quan, I ran to the bathroom on my way up to my seats before the game. I set my phone down, and it fell onto the floor. Screen SHATTERED. The front camera lens isn't damaged, and everything still works, but it's a hot mess to try and read things. Not awesome.
I WON A SIGNED DESI JERSEY!!! On the way to watch BP, I stopped by the Nats Plus table where some guys were set up for people to renew their season plans. The Nats have been giving away prizes to people who renew their plans for next year, and I wanted to make sure we were in the running, as we renewed online over the past weekend. My conversation went as follows:
So I provided him with my phone number, account information, and seat location. After the game started, I got a phone call from a Nats person stating they would be coming to my seats shortly. OMG.
There are no words for the bad. Well, there are, because I'm writing about it, but seriously. This could ONLY happen to me. I was very anxiously awaiting Nats people to show up to give me my prize, and I was DYING to know what it was. The Nat Pack people came, and then Mike Ploger, the in-game host, arrived. He recognized me and laughed, as we've had several run ins this season (stories for another time). I moved to the end of the row to make things easier for them, and he sat in the aisle, and we chatted for a few minutes. At the break between innings, I suddenly found myself on the scoreboard, which is... well... awkward. And embarrassing. Mike then asked me a question, which he had given me zero warning about, and I somehow forest gumped my way through a response. Then he handed me the signed Desi jersey. I was sitting there looking at it while he continued to talk and it was slowly dawning on me that I won a SIGNED DESI JERSEY. The moment suddenly became overwhelming, and I said, out loud, "HOLY CRAP." Then I thought oh shit, I just said crap. OH FUCK I JUST ALMOST SAID SHIT OMFG STOP ALMOST TALKING! To prevent myself from saying any of these other terrible four letter words, I covered my mouth. As soon as we were FINALLY off the scoreboard, Mike looked at me and said "they asked me if it smelled good," and the Nats Pack girl who was standing there was laughing and said "he didn't wear it!" I was.... confused, as I had no idea what they were talking about. Then it hit me. I was holding the jersey when I had covered my mouth, so I had covered my mouth WITH THE JERSEY... which made it look like I was SNIFFING the jersey. In front of 30,000+ people. OH.MY.GOD. After the game, two ladies in the bathroom came up to me and were like "you won the jersey! AND YOU SNIFFED IT! That's awesome, I would have sniffed it, too!" No one believes that I didn't sniff it (I DIDN'T SNIFF IT!). Lulu and several other friends tried to make a hashtag related to this happen. OMG.
This would seriously only happen to me.
First, I thought my ipod had been stolen by the place I got my car serviced. I TORE APART my car and couldn't find it. I ended up finding it doing another search that I thought was pointless after I got home, so... we'll skip this saga.
I got another invite from the Nats to watch batting practice from just behind the dugout. I got to do this earlier in the year, and for whatever reason, I thought it was pretty amazingly awesome. (This part of the stadium isn't open during BP, so I usually have to watch from the outfield. The dugout gives you a whole different perspective, and it's amazing. Because I'm a huge baseball nerd.) I met my friend Gus who was able to come as my guest, and we watched the Nats take bp from up close and personal. We learned that Matt Williams throws bp... we had no idea! Very cool.
After watching BP and then hanging out with Lulu, Gus, and my usher friend Quan, I ran to the bathroom on my way up to my seats before the game. I set my phone down, and it fell onto the floor. Screen SHATTERED. The front camera lens isn't damaged, and everything still works, but it's a hot mess to try and read things. Not awesome.
I WON A SIGNED DESI JERSEY!!! On the way to watch BP, I stopped by the Nats Plus table where some guys were set up for people to renew their season plans. The Nats have been giving away prizes to people who renew their plans for next year, and I wanted to make sure we were in the running, as we renewed online over the past weekend. My conversation went as follows:
Me: Hi! I renewed my plan over the weekend and I just wanted to make sure I was in the running to win the season plan renewal prize thingie that yall have been doing.
Nats Guy: Hold on. [makes phone call]
On phone: Do we have a winner? Ok.
Nats Guy: [Very flatly] You won. What's your phone number and account number?
Me: Um. Wait. WHAT?!
So I provided him with my phone number, account information, and seat location. After the game started, I got a phone call from a Nats person stating they would be coming to my seats shortly. OMG.
There are no words for the bad. Well, there are, because I'm writing about it, but seriously. This could ONLY happen to me. I was very anxiously awaiting Nats people to show up to give me my prize, and I was DYING to know what it was. The Nat Pack people came, and then Mike Ploger, the in-game host, arrived. He recognized me and laughed, as we've had several run ins this season (stories for another time). I moved to the end of the row to make things easier for them, and he sat in the aisle, and we chatted for a few minutes. At the break between innings, I suddenly found myself on the scoreboard, which is... well... awkward. And embarrassing. Mike then asked me a question, which he had given me zero warning about, and I somehow forest gumped my way through a response. Then he handed me the signed Desi jersey. I was sitting there looking at it while he continued to talk and it was slowly dawning on me that I won a SIGNED DESI JERSEY. The moment suddenly became overwhelming, and I said, out loud, "HOLY CRAP." Then I thought oh shit, I just said crap. OH FUCK I JUST ALMOST SAID SHIT OMFG STOP ALMOST TALKING! To prevent myself from saying any of these other terrible four letter words, I covered my mouth. As soon as we were FINALLY off the scoreboard, Mike looked at me and said "they asked me if it smelled good," and the Nats Pack girl who was standing there was laughing and said "he didn't wear it!" I was.... confused, as I had no idea what they were talking about. Then it hit me. I was holding the jersey when I had covered my mouth, so I had covered my mouth WITH THE JERSEY... which made it look like I was SNIFFING the jersey. In front of 30,000+ people. OH.MY.GOD. After the game, two ladies in the bathroom came up to me and were like "you won the jersey! AND YOU SNIFFED IT! That's awesome, I would have sniffed it, too!" No one believes that I didn't sniff it (I DIDN'T SNIFF IT!). Lulu and several other friends tried to make a hashtag related to this happen. OMG.
This would seriously only happen to me.
Related Awesomeness
I Swear I Didn't Sniff It,
Random Awesomeness,
This Could Only Happen To Me
Friday, August 21, 2015
More Name Calling
My previously mentioned client? Yeah, he continues to not do well. And he continues to be angry that I'm attempting to get him back on a good path. Damn I'm a bitch.
So, I found myself back at his place. With a coworker, because he doesn't really want to see or talk to me. Unaware that I was present, he told my coworker:
Erika is a wench.
This might be my most favorite insult ever hurled at me. Wench. Who says that? I mean, really?! Wench! I think I'm supposed to be upset by this, but I can't really bring myself to muster those feelings. I'm really more amused than anything else.
He definitely gets points for creativity.
Related Awesomeness
Gotta Make That Money,
Friday, August 14, 2015
Work is Fun
So, my job is.... well, difficult at times. I work with difficult people that often find themselves in difficult situations. I often believe that if all my clients like me all of the time, I'm not doing my job right. I'm the one that's supposed to push them when they don't want to be pushed. I'm the one that's supposed to point out that perhaps the decisions they're making aren't the best, and maybe, just maybe, they should consider some alternatives. This doesn't always make me their most favorite person.
As a wonderful example of this, one of my client's has taken over as the President of my fan club. Things aren't going .... well. And apparently that is all my fault. I also suck because I keep intervening in his poor decision making. Because, ya know, I'd like him to be ok. Or whatever.
I went over to his place unannounced to check on him. When I arrived, he was on the phone, so I listened for a few minutes. I was unsure who he was speaking to, but he was very obviously speaking about me. My favorite gem from the conversation:
Well, there ya go. I'm dumber than nails.
I love my job I love my job I love my job....
As a wonderful example of this, one of my client's has taken over as the President of my fan club. Things aren't going .... well. And apparently that is all my fault. I also suck because I keep intervening in his poor decision making. Because, ya know, I'd like him to be ok. Or whatever.
I went over to his place unannounced to check on him. When I arrived, he was on the phone, so I listened for a few minutes. I was unsure who he was speaking to, but he was very obviously speaking about me. My favorite gem from the conversation:
She is dumber than nails.
Well, there ya go. I'm dumber than nails.
I love my job I love my job I love my job....
Related Awesomeness
Gotta Make That Money,
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